Entry Title: CALIPSO Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask data, Standard V4-10

Entry ID: CAL_LID_L2_VFM-Standard-V4-10
Aerosols Clouds

CAL_LID_L2_VFM-Standard-V4-10 data are CALIPSO Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask data. The Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask data product describes the vertical and horizontal distribution of cloud and aerosol layers observed by the CALIPSO lidar. Cloud and aerosol discrimination for detected features is reported as a single value, the CAD_Score. The Version 3.30 CALIOP Lidar Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 data products incorporate the updated GMAO Forward Processing - Instrument Teams (FP-IT) meteorological data, and the enhanced Air Force Weather Authority (AFWA) Snow and Ice Data Set as ancillary inputs to the production of these data sets, beginning with data date March 1, 2013. Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) was launched on April 28, 2006 to study the impact of clouds and aerosols on the Earth's radiation budget and climate. It flies in the international A-Train constellation for coincident Earth observations. The CALIPSO satellite comprises three instruments, the Cloud-Aerosol LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP), the Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR), and the Wide Field Camera (WFC). CALIPSO is a joint satellite mission between NASA and the French Agency, CNES.



Publications which Cite this Collection

Liu, Zhaoyan; Kar, Jayanta; Zeng, Shan; Tackett, Jason; Vaughan, Mark; Avery, Melody; Pelon, Jacques; Getzewich, Brian; Lee, Kam-Pui; Magill, Brian; Omar, Ali; Lucker, Patricia; Trepte, Charles; Winker, David (2018). Discriminating between clouds and aerosols in the CALIOP version 4.1 data products.

Fischer, Emily V.; Zhu, Liye; Payne, Vivienne H.; Worden, John R.; Jiang, Zhe; Kulawik, Susan S.; Brey, Steven; Hecobian, Arsineh; Gombos, Daniel; Cady-Pereira, Karen; Flocke, Frank (2018). Using TES retrievals to investigate PAN in North American biomass burning plumes.

Young, Stuart A.; Vaughan, Mark A.; Garnier, Anne; Tackett, Jason L.; Lambeth, James D.; Powell, Kathleen A. (2017). Extinction and optical depth retrievals for CALIPSO's Version 4 data release.

Kim, Man-Hae; Omar, Ali H.; Tackett, Jason L.; Vaughan, Mark A.; Winker, David M.; Trepte, Charles R.; Hu, Yongxiang; Liu, Zhaoyan; Poole, Lamont R.; Pitts, Michael C.; Kar, Jayanta; Magill, Brian E. (2016). The CALIPSO version 4 automated aerosol classification and lidar ratio selection algorithm.

Zeng, Shan; Vaughan, Mark; Liu, Zhaoyan; Trepte, Charles; Kar, Jayanta; Omar, Ali; Winker, David; Lucker, Patricia; Hu, Yongxiang; Getzewich, Brian; Avery, Melody (2016). Application of high-dimensional fuzzy k-means cluster analysis to CALIOP/CALIPSO version 4.1 cloud–aerosol discrimination.

Mülmenstädt, Johannes; Sourdeval, Odran; Henderson, David S.; L'Ecuyer, Tristan S.; Unglaub, Claudia; Jungandreas, Leonore; Böhm, Christoph; Russell, Lynn M.; Quaas, Johannes (2016). Using CALIOP to estimate cloud-field base height and its uncertainty: the Cloud Base Altitude Spatial Extrapolator (CBASE) algorithm and dataset.


From GCMD Science Keywords:
  • Aerosol Particle Properties
  • Cloud Particle Phase
  • Cloud Type
Data Distribution

  • Note: You are viewing a legacy product. "Current Products" is a link to an updated version.
  • Please contact user services if you need access to this product.
Spatial Information

Spatial Coverage: (S: -90, N: 90), (W: -180, E: 180)
Spatial Coverage Type: Horizontal
Coordinate System: Cartesian
Granule Spatial Representation: Cartesian

Temporal Information

Temporal Coverage: 2006-06-12 - Present
Temporal Resolution: 0.74 second

Earth Observation Satellites
Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations
Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization
Metadata Dates

Created on 2017-01-12
Last updated on 2020-08-03